Join us at Our Community Events

After much trial and error to provide the community with an event that would help fund renovations next door, we FINALLY have our Annual October Sunday Family Funday Trunk or Treat and Car show! FREE to attend and much like a festival, we offer vendor booths, games, costume contests for ALL AGES and a HUGE prize raffle! Adding a beauty pageant for all ages in 2021 as well as pin-up contest, let's not forget the Car Show also doubles as a GIANT trunk or treat for the kiddos. Every September we kick off our "Candy Drive" to make sure the cars stay stocked and ready on the big day! Not only has our community rallied for this cause, but the local churches have been wonderful joining us in the candy (and cake for the cake walk) effort! All this would not be possible without Our amazing Sponsors and Volunteers!

Proceeds from Car Registrations, Pageant, Cakewalk, Annual shirt sale, and Raffle all go towards the restoration of the buildings next door!

As we finish "dialing-in" this event, we eventually plan on holding a similar spring event as well as annual theme-based dinners!
Halloween partyhalloween sale potluck (3)

The Coleman Vault's 6th Annual
Trunk-Or-Treat & Car Show!

Happening year on the 2nd to last Sunday in October, our Family Funday is basically a giant family friendly Halloween festival for all ages offering not only FUN and games but also TONS of great food, vendor shopping, and a car show! Our goal is to eventually raise enough money with our Trunk-Or-Treat and other events to revitalize our long forgotten historic downtown starting with our three buildings next door!  NEW in 2024 we now have yet another FACEBOOK PAGE devoted STRICKLY to our event to help avoid confusion. See our page/link at the bottom of this page (we are still updating daily so please bear with us)

101 N. Market Avenue
Marionville, MO 65705

(417) 229-0167
You may be noticing our VERY FUN Beauty Pageant for ALL Ages is missing this year..... Sadly, we made good on our promise to ONLY host this FUN event as long as it stayed relaxed and enjoyable for everyone (ourselves included) leaving the drama and seriousness behind----- We made it three years before some of our regulars wanted to ask for score cards and question our VOLUNTEER Judges. With how much time and energy not to mention money we pour into this category of the event we kept our word and pulled it. 

Vendor Info

We are Always looking for family friendly vendors especially Food and Kid booths! Vendor Fees are only $35 To register just send us a message on our facebook page with your name/company as well as the product you are selling and your email address and phone number. We will email you out an invoice through square then once paid add you to the list! :) 

2024 Vendors

Below are links to each of our vendors we have registered!

"Day of Event" Registration @ Vault Booth

 Prize Raffle Tickets

Pre-Register Online

Email The Coleman Vault

Send us a message and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.